We at In3ator are big-time into facilitating, value add, expert advice, etc., all in the mode of consulting. If you have a passion to work with multiple companies and have a key area of expertise, pls send your profile to us at careers@in3ator.com. Our work environment does without formal approaches and rigid disciplines though everything fits…
Read MoreInvestment in education is long-term, low-risk and a good way to return value to society. What can be better than educating the next generation with skills that empower them to have a great future and have your money grow securely at the same time. In3ator is working with entrepreneurs with passion, experience and commitment to…
Read MoreUnder Review Simple and straight-forward. Focus on problems and the possible. Provide solutions that are unique to your needs. Start with talking to us/ maybe take a free consulting session.
Read MoreIntelligences can be divided up in different ways, according to whether they address crystallized (memory-dependent) or fluid (process-dependent) abilities or, according to the type of information that is their focus. The approach that divides intelligences into information areas, for example, yields a verbal/propositional intelligence that deals with words and logic and a spatial intelligence that…
Read MoreA project in business and science is a collaborative enterprise, frequently involving research or design, that is carefully planned to achieve a particular aim. PMI defines project as a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result. Projects are Temporary Have definite beginning and end Create unique product or service Have objective…
Read MoreAn Entrepreneur is someone who has possession of a new enterprise, venture or idea and assumes significant accountability for the inherent risks and the outcome. What is this significant accountability and how does one take this? Is there a college program you can go through and become one? The vast majority of entrepreneurs, especially most of…
Read MoreRevenues are the life force of a business and no business can survive for long without having customers to use and pay for their services and products. Customers come in through active an outreach to the market and this is led by the sales and marketing teams. Many entrepreneurs and companies, however strong they are…
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