In3ator actively involves in environment activities, through creating awareness of environment friendly products and services and giving visibility to the products that enhance the quality of living while at the same time being “green”.

There are a lot of products and initiatives and technologies which actually enable people to have a better quality of life, reduce costs and go green. In3ator collaborates very actively with such individuals and companies to take things forward.

A few of the services In3ator can provide, include,

  1. Go-to market – positioning, marketing, sales channels, actual sales, after sales support.
  2. Govt. support – going green is lucrative now with govt. initiatives and subsidies. Taking advantage of these is something that in3ator actively does.
  3. Investment support – for new ideas through to pilot runs.
  4. Technology acquisition – Create win-win-win opportunities by bringing inventors, investors and businesses together to make companies with “green” products and services become viable and grow.